From Here to Haiti is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to respond to the need to repair non-governmental structures where public assembly. Their work over the past 10 years has been on repairing schools, churches, orphanages, clinics, and more.

The work of From Here to Haiti has spanned over numerous communities across the country. They’ve repaired roofs, walls, and built structures using a unique method that makes their projects a community affair. Buying local and employing local has been a key element in their work.
At Bien Abyé, we believe your purchases should have a lasting impact. With each purchase from our Rassemble collection, a percentage of funds are donated to From Here to Haiti. Support the organization by making a purchase or visiting From Here to Haiti’s website.
If you’d like to learn more about our products and how they support the Haitian people, or how you can connect with From Here to Haiti, please contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!